7th meeting of the University Alumni Centres of the Czech Republic

On Thursday, 18th May 2023, the 7th meeting of the University Alumni Centres of the Czech Republic and other departments working with alumni at Czech universities took place. The conference was organised by the Alumni Centre VŠE and was held online via MS Teams, everything went smoothly and according to the plan.

At the last meeting of the summer semester 2023/2024, the participants had a chance to learn how the work with alumni is currently going on at two Czech universities, whether it was about setting up new concepts or a firmly established alumni agenda.

The main speakers were Bc. Sylwia Říhošková from the University of Technology in Brno and two ladies – Mgr. Kateřina Doležalová and Mgr. Simona Teplá from the Charles University. At the end of the presentations, there was a time for a discussion, while the participants could ask questions during the entire meeting. The meeting was introduced by the Head of the Alumni Centre VŠE, Ing. Tereza Jiříková, and was moderated by the Coordinator of the Alumni Agenda Bc. Michaela Strnadová. In the end, the participants were invited to a second personal conference, which will take place on September 13, 2023, at the University of Economics and Business in Prague, including external guests.

On behalf of the Alumni Centre VŠE, we greatly appreciate those who participate in the creation of the program, as well as everyone else who participates in the meetings. We are happy to organise these meetings regularly, and we believe they bring interesting information and inspiration to the group members.