
Alma Matters! /10. 3./

The Czech Republic Alumni programme invites all international alumni of VŠE and other Czech universities to join the first Alma mater & alumni virtual networking event. Join us, we will be there! Visit your Czech alma mater and touch base with your former classmates and friends. We know keeping in touch keeps us all stronger, […]

Alma Matters! /10. 3./

VŠE Ball

VŠE Ball

P. F. 2022

We wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!

P. F. 2022

Online presentation „Future beyond social media … what will be the next Facebook?“ /15. 12./

We would like to invite you to the online presentation on the topic „Future beyond social media … what will be the next Facebook?“, which will be given by Antonín Pavlíček, alumni FIS VŠE. When: December 15, 2021 | 6:00 p.m. Where: online MS Teams Registration: here Annotation: Facebook company is called Meta now,  what will change […]

Online presentation „Future beyond social media … what will be the next Facebook?“ /15. 12./

Online presentation „Storytelling: Your Swiss Army Knife of Business Communication“ /1. 12./

We would like to invite you to the online presentation on the topic „Storytelling: Your Swiss Army Knife of Business Communication“, which will be given by Lukáš Liebich*, alumni FMV VŠE. When: December 1 | 6:00 p.m. Where: online MS Teams Registration: here   Description: Whether you’re a corporate animal – or you live in the startup world – […]

Online presentation „Storytelling: Your Swiss Army Knife of Business Communication“ /1. 12./